Ben Carlson on “strategic apathy” – or being oblivious about certain topics for the sake of your sanity…
Here are some good examples of things you probably shouldn’t care about in your financial life:
- Your relative portfolio performance against a meaningless index or benchmark.
- How billionaire hedge fund managers are currently positioning their portfolios.
- How much money your brother-in-law is making.
- What Twitter traders are telling you about the markets.
- The next fiscal cliff or government shutdown.
- How many days in a row the market has risen or fallen lately.
- Whether or not Herbalife is a Ponzi Scheme or the buy of a lifetime.
- The brand new car or boat your neighbor just purchased (on credit).
- That really great penny stock your co-worker told you they just bought because of an email tip they received.
- How much your retirement portfolio has gone down (or up) in the past quarter.
- How much money people claim to earn on Fan Duel every week.
- People who call for a market crash every single year.
- The couple you read about who lucked out and put their entire life savings into Apple stock a decade ago.
Read the whole post:
RT @ReformedBroker: Financial things you can safely ignore
RT @ReformedBroker: Financial things you can safely ignore
Financial things you can safely ignore by @ReformedBroker
RT @ReformedBroker: Financial things you can safely ignore
RT @ReformedBroker: Financial things you can safely ignore
RT @ReformedBroker: Financial things you can safely ignore
RT @ReformedBroker: Financial things you can safely ignore
RT @ReformedBroker: Financial things you can safely ignore
RT @ReformedBroker: Financial things you can safely ignore
RT @FredPGabriel: Financial things you can safely ignore
Financial things you can safely ignore
“A list of financial things you can safely ignore!” @ReformedBroker
RT @asibiza1: “A list of financial things you can safely ignore!” @ReformedBroker
Financial things you can safely ignore by @ReformedBroker
RT @asibiza1: “A list of financial things you can safely ignore!” @ReformedBroker