FOMC is this afternoon – are they more concerned about inflation than they were last time? (MoneyBeat)
Meat, poultry and fish prices are rising noticeably here in NYC. (NYP)
Neil Irwin: A small uptick in inflation is almost certain to squeeze the one group that hasn’t benefited from the economy – workers. (Upshot)
Over in India, Modi’s already working to stop the inflation squeeze. (Reuters)
Nine charts to glance at pre-Fed meeting today. (Quartz)
Everyone’s going to be talking about Amazon’s big smartphone launch event today, two takes worth reading: (BusinessWeek) and (TheConversation)
The Nasdaq typically doesn’t do very well in Q3. (AllStarCharts)
Top brokerage firms were on the Hill yesterday to testify to their role in the high frequency trading game. How’d it go? (Bloomberg)
Your favorite financial bloggers weigh in on the “smart beta” – total BS or does it have merit? (AbnormalReturns)
“Serratosa and Kravis spoke for an hour, bonding over people they knew in common and their love of shooting red-legged partridge in the Spanish countryside” (Bloomberg)
Whether you like it or not, you’re in the media business now. (SethsBlog)
The 15 most brutal corporate firings of all time. (Buzzfeed)
If you were looking for a top in the startup craze, Entrepreneur Barbie might just be it. And she has short, black hair to show how nerdy and un-blonde she is. (Wired)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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