Why China’s Xi Jinping should reset expectations for Chinese growth at 6% now and let a few of these “wealth management” thingies blow up. (AsiaConfidential)
Meanwhile, China’s mobile payments business is a boom like no other, $1.6 trillion in transaction volumes and counting. (TNW)
GLD fund flows illuminate just how terrible we are at market-timing – regardless of which market it is. (AlephBlog)
Yes, investing is almost free – but so what? That won’t fix your behavioral issues unless you want it to. (AbnormalReturns)
Brett Steenbarger aka The Trader Whisperer is back on the social web. Here’s why: (TraderFeed)
Kevin Roose crashes Wall Street’s champagne-soaked underworld. (NYMag) see also: The new caste system for young investment bankers (NYP)
The favorite books of all 44 US Presidents. (Buzzfeed)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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