Carl Icahn sells half his stake in Netflix after a billion dollar or so gain. Icahn’s son slams bedroom door, rips Drake poster off the wall, buries his head in pillow. “Hate you dad.” (Bloomberg)
With Netflix out, will the new momentum names step up to fill the void? (UpsideTrader)
Daisy Maxey: Retail investors are not begging their brokers for Twitter IPO shares. (WSJ)
S&P 500 on pace for its best year since 2003. Get your pom poms out. (Bloomberg)
Roben Farzad: Small caps are off the hook right now. (BusinessWeek)
Spain Emerges from Two Year Recession, Takes Nap (NYT)
Europe is a hot investment theme – but what about Eastern Europe? (ETFTrends)
Goldman: Chinese stocks are too cheap. (MoneyBeat)
The new Caesars project is casino-less and emphasizes the next phase of Las Vegas growth. (BusinessWeek)
The solar boom is killing off the endangered desert tortoise. (Quartz)
According to the Prez, the government shutdown cost the nation .25% GDP growth and 120,000 jobs. (WhiteHouse)
No, Obamacare is not the reason for more part-time hiring. (WSJ)
Meet Andrew Zatlin, the Moneyball guy of economic data. (MarketBeat)
Use adverbs and verbs in your tweets and blog headlines if you want them clicked and shared. (FastCompany)
Awesome! Howard Stern sidekick Robin Quivers profiled in Rolling Stone. (RollingStone)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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