Kevin Ferry on the rapidly shrinking budget deficit as a percentage of GDP. (ContrarianCorner)
Larry Ellison on Apple without Steve Jobs – es no bueno. (TheTell)
Elon Musk lays out the details of his HyperLoop high-speed transport idea. Passengers are required to be completely nude before boarding due to electro-mechanical safety concerns. (BusinessWeek)
Blackstone is going nuts over buy-to-rent real estate deals right now. (ZeroHedge)
Obama views Larry Summers as best suited to leading a crisis-era Fed. (FelixSalmon)
Justin Wolfers: Markets don’t seem to care about the Fed Chair race at all. (Bloomberg)
Why two $20,000 jobs are better than one $40,000 job at this stage in the recovery. (ThisIsAshok)
And what man will want you now, BlackBerry? (AllThingsD)
Love this – the complete history of the GLD ETF. (ETFdb)
Don’t miss The Takeaway, my daily linkfest for financial advisors (InvestmentNews)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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