Knights of Labor Parade Labor Day began as a celebratory parade thrown by the Knights of Labor, a socialist organization for union workers here in New York City. The Socialist Party itself already had a May Day (May 1st) tradition, and the Knights adapted it to their own purposes in the 1880’s, deciding to always…
Kidz Korner: What Does Stimulus Mean?
Kidz Korner is a relatively new feature here on The Reformed Broker where I explain complex financial issues to kids from the neighborhood in a simple, straightforward way. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Little Timmy Johnson: Hey Mister TRB, can I ask you a question? The Reformed Broker: You just did… Timmy: Oh. Sorry, can I ask you another…
This is What Socialism Looks Like: Obama's Auto Speech
Below is a visual representation using the full text of President Obama‘s speech regarding General Motors and Chrysler yesterday. The size of each word is dictated by the frequency with which it appears in the speech. I’m no bankruptcy expert, but friends of mine in the legal field are. They believe that the notion of…