Street after street, town after town, state after state, everything’s starting to look the same.
Small Business
Zogby on 2010: Down With Whoever's Up
Columnist John Zogby contributes to the Forbes 2010 Preview with some views on the next year in business and the economy.
Big Business and Big Government: Let the Apathy Olympics Begin!
Nothing that Obama has proposed, that Geithner has enacted or that Krugman has cheerleaded has meant a damn thing for small businesses in the US.
Now Leaving California…
A word to the wise…this is what happens when public sector spending crushes an economy. DC, are you paying attention? Sources:
Can The Stock Market Save The Economy?
A friend of mine, someone completely outside of the Wall Street world, asked me this question a few days ago and in addition to being at an utter loss for the answer, I thought it was one of the more interesting questions one could ask right now. My friend, we’ll call him Dirk (if only…