How to disrupt Wall Street? Move the capital raise process onto the social web.
Investment Banking
The Return of the Why-P.O.
Why? Because the capital markets will support it, that’s why. We’re starting to see something I had hoped would be further down the pike during this economic recovery cycle: The Return of the Why-P.O. What in tarnation is a Why-P.O. you ask? It’s an IPO so pointless for investors to be involved with that you…
Tax Evasion Central Cutting PaineWebber Brokers
How does a big Swiss bank built on stolen Nazi gold, hidden money from African and Middle Eastern despots and un-taxed lucre from wealthy Americans with cross-border connections react to yet another multi-billion dollar quarterly loss? That’s easy! It fires stockbrokers. From the Financial Times: 2,500 will go in wealth management Americas, the former PaineWebber…