
Hot Links: Pulp Tinkerbell

Stuff I’m Reading this Morning… The agenda for economic regulation reform at the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh isn’t looking too promising.  (Economix) A tale of tragic heroism in the Bronx.  (NYP) The Healthcare Debate rages on…in an Iron Man comic book.  (Ecocomics) My fave post of the week so far: Imagine If Lehman Brothers Had…

Breakfast Links: Venom on a Friday

Stuff I’m Reading this Morning… Wow!  A list of the most disgusting, pathetic people on earth!  That’s right…it’s Fashion Meets Finance time once again!  (Pocket Change) The article that helped ignite yesterday’s rally.  (Bloomberg) The mall retailers attempt Christmas in July.  (WSJ) Absurd lawsuit of the week:  “The Kindle Ate My Homework”.  (TechFlash) Remember dividends? …