Henry Kaufman has a great op-ed in the Wall Street Journal this morning in which he expresses his near-term fears about a politicized Federal Reserve. In the course of making his case that some political involvement in monetary policy is probably unavoidable, he gives us a quick history lesson on how US Presidents have historically…
Droppin’ Knowledge
Droppin' Knowledge: Matt Horween Unleashed
You guys know how much I love righteous indignation as a writing style. Matt Horween of TheStreet.com is ladling it out thick for anyone with a bowl in his six part op-ed that will run every day this week, enitled Fix America Now. Yesterday’s opener was crackling with skepticism over our military expenses in the…
Droppin' Knowledge: Bill Gross on the Aftermath of Engorgement
PIMCO’s Bill Gross has his July commentary up on the web and his perspective is, as always, no-nonsense and interesting. He begins by graphically describing the circumstances that led to the obesity-related death of a baseball umpire as his set up: “Kill the umpire,” the fan cried to open the 1996 baseball season in Cincinnati, and…
Droppin' Knowledge: Doug Kass Takes on the Perma-Bears
“I have often written that both perma-bears and perma-bulls are attention-getters, not money-makers.” Doug Kass, May 2009 On May 27th, TRB fave commentator Doug Kass of Seabreeze Partners and TheStreet.com took on the Cult of the Perma-Bears. As someone who is often characterized as a bear, he sought to establish the difference between people who have…
Droppin' Knowledge: Cannell Talks Extinction at the Value Investing Congress
Hedgie J. Carlo Cannell (Cannell Capital) represented at the Value Investing Congress in Pasadena last week. His speech was called Hydrodamalis Gigas, the name of a sea cow species that was hunted to extinction less than 30 years after it was discovered. Cannell is not just an investor, he is also a man of nature,…
Droppin' Knowledge: Ron Baron
“this is the most attractive time to be an investor in my lifetime” – Ron Baron, May 2009 If you read pages 30 to 31 in Barron’s this weekend, then you, my friend, were Carpet-Bombed with Knowledge from one of the most interesting minds on The Street. Ron Baron, a 40-year market veteran with over…