Dow Jones Industrial Average

Checking in on the Trannies

No, not those trannies!  Get your mind out of the gutter! Today we’re going to look at the Dow Jones Transportation Average and talk about why it matters. I must confess that I frequently lose track of what’s happening with the Transports or “Trannies” from time to time, but when we see new 52 week…

Keeping It Real: Dow Broke 10k Because IBM Didn't Split Too Often

All of my fellow bloggers are gonna do their Dow 10k pieces today, so I may as well join the cacophony… I’ve learned two important lessons from the thousands of hours of Hip Hop music I’ve consumed… 1.  “Kings lose crowns but teachers stay intelligent” – KRS-One 2.  Always “keep it real” – Various Artists…

OMG: Dow Jones Index Business For Sale!

Since 1884, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (and to a lesser extent, the DJ Transportation Average) has been the most widely-followed and broadly-used measure of US blue chip stock performance in the world. And Rupert Murdoch, who acquired the Dow Jones Company to get the Wall Street Journal, is putting it up for sale via…