Jeff Hirsch on Stock Market Cycles

The Stock Trader’s Almanac editor Jeff Hirsch did an interview with Investors Business Daily this week.  He’s out with a new book ‘The Little Book of Stock Market Cycles” and he gave IBD readers a bit of background on his (and his father’s) life’s work: IBD: What are the stock market cycles and what stage…


Check out Joe Weisenthal’s three reasons why the US economy is currently the envy of the world. With the latest batch of manufacturing data out, it couldn’t be more clear that the US economy is outperforming the rest of the world. As far as big economy’s go, we’re pretty much the world’s last best hope….

September Preview: The Return of Macro Masturbation

“September is Europe’s Zero Hour.” – some genius I’m going to help you make it through the coming month, consider it my single good deed in a lifetime of practical jokes, sarcasm, snarkiness and feigned interest in lots of things I have no interest in.  Yes, I’ve done my share of upsetting stuff.  One time,…

Lest anyone ever forget…

60 Minutes dredged up the Lehman Brothers stuff this past weekend… We’re four years since the event and there are many in this country who still can’t understand why not a single charge has been brought against anyone regarding the biggest bankruptcy in US history.  Not every bankruptcy requires prosecution, of course, only the ones…

re: Taibbi's "Wall Street is Overpaid" Rant

I can’t believe I’m about to defend the hedge fund industry, but here goes… I like Matt Taibbi’s work although a lot of my peers on the financial web despise him.  Even when they agree with his basic premise (The Street does more harm than good in society) they tend to take issue with his…

re: Taibbi’s “Wall Street is Overpaid” Rant

I can’t believe I’m about to defend the hedge fund industry, but here goes… I like Matt Taibbi’s work although a lot of my peers on the financial web despise him.  Even when they agree with his basic premise (The Street does more harm than good in society) they tend to take issue with his…

The Hottest Trade on Wall Street: European Stocks

There’s a new hot trade on The Street I continue to hear about more and more that involves one of the most hated areas of the global markets: Europe.  Hedge funds and go-anywhere asset managers are increasingly circling the concept that the time is now to dig through the rubble for quality euro stocks. Before…

The Broker vs Advisor Debate Goes Mainstream

The New York Observer’s Patrick Clark has an article out today on the Suitability vs Fiduciary (or Broker vs Advisor) debate that’s been raging in the investment profession for years now. Main Street is starting to take an interest in this decidedly Wall Street topic as they should – after all, nowhere is this standard…

361 Capital Weekly Research Briefing

361 Capital portfolio manager, Blaine Rollins, CFA, previously manager of the Janus Fund, writes a weekly update looking back on major moves, macro-trends and economic data points. The 361 Capital Weekly Research Briefing summarizes the latest market news along with some interesting facts and a touch of humor. 361 Capital is a provider of alternative…