When Your Client is a Corporate Insider

The regulators are going to nail you on an insider trade, especially on one placed just before an acquisition of a company.  Especially if you’re a jackass using options or buying a noticeable amount of stock.  In most cases, the trading activity leads them to you, and then making the connection to figure out how…

Tough Crowd: Notes from the John Paulson Call

Using my advanced ninja skills I got myself onto the Bank of America Wealth Management-hosted conference call starring John Paulson of Paulson & Co this evening. The notoriously press- and attention-shy Paulson agreed to be on the call a week after Citigroup pulled $410 million from the hedge fund manager and so at least some…

So you think you're a gangster stockpicker…

I’m going to be at the Value Investing Conference this October hanging with Phil Pearlman of StockTwits.  Are you?  Here’s one way to get there:  The 1st Annual Value Investing Challenge is brought to you by the Value Investing Congress and SumZero! Enter the Value Investing Challenge now to win a speaking spot at the…

So you think you’re a gangster stockpicker…

I’m going to be at the Value Investing Conference this October hanging with Phil Pearlman of StockTwits.  Are you?  Here’s one way to get there:  The 1st Annual Value Investing Challenge is brought to you by the Value Investing Congress and SumZero! Enter the Value Investing Challenge now to win a speaking spot at the…