On The Street, we call junk bonds “chicken equity” in the context of portfolio construction. Many allocators are buying junk bonds not as part of their fixed income allocation but really in search of an almost-equity return with slightly less risk and volatility.  So, for example, you’ll see a financial advisor carve out a 5…

Heidi's Book List

I’m honored and flattered to have made Heidi Moore’s Must-Read Wall Street Book list at Marketplace this morning. They say that being named to a list is only cool if you truly respect the other people on the list, and in this case I’m great company (John Gapper, Tadas Viskanta, Mike Casey etc… There’s the…

Heidi’s Book List

I’m honored and flattered to have made Heidi Moore’s Must-Read Wall Street Book list at Marketplace this morning. They say that being named to a list is only cool if you truly respect the other people on the list, and in this case I’m great company (John Gapper, Tadas Viskanta, Mike Casey etc… There’s the…