A Graveyard for Tacticians

Whatever the market historians say about the 2012 stock market years from now, they will certainly have to at least mention how difficult it was for those who practice tactical asset allocation. Not just difficult, actually it was a graveyard. I’m going to show you why: In 2012, there were very few ways to win…

The Herd Gets Holistic

Because as their advisors get more holistic and client-centric, they’ll be muddling your message a bit, blurring the lines of your “competitive advantage.”

The Death of a Salesman

Amidst all of the news today about Cliffs and Greeks etc, you may have missed the fact that Zig Ziglar, beloved motivational speaker and author has passed away at 86 yeas old. If you’ve ever worked in a professional sales organization, odds are you’ve come across his work in some way. The brokerage industry that…

Special Dividends

What do I think of special or one-time dividends? Not a fan. I get why companies are doing it right now, obviously they’d prefer to pay themselves and fellow shareholders at a lower tax rate and we really have no idea what the tax rate may be in 2013. Right now it’s 15% but next…

a nice thought, but how does this work?

Here’s the thing about “Get Out and Vote, be Involved” or “Rise Above” or any of the other vague calls to action we’re hearing right now – While I agree with the sentiments broadly speaking, I’m not quite sure what to actually do about it, if anything. Take this latest attempt to “mobilize the troops”…

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

I remember being read a book in grade school about a country mouse who visits his cousin, the city mouse, and after working through all of their differences, the moral is that they are more similar than they had originally thought. Which was happy nonsense but I liked it. Our city mice and country mice…