The 25 Most Socially Influential Advisors

It’s very cool to see this new ranking engine Brightscope’s rolled out to statistically gauge the social influence of America’s financial advisors. There’ve been a bunch of lists for this kind of thing but no one has ever done it mathematically to my knowledge, it makes perfect sense that Brightscope would be the outfit to…

Traders gonna trade

The best piece of daily market commentary I’ve read in awhile is today’s missive from Nicholas Colas, Chief Strategist at ConvergEx, in which he takes an analyst’s perspective of the trader’s mentality…   If you want to know the substance of someone’s character, watch them trade a real-money portfolio for a week or two.  Tell…

The Distribution of Bubble Losses Matters

The other day, I discussed the fact that the “Rich Man’s Bubble” was bursting and no one seemed to give a damn. This led to some really interesting conversations and arguments online and off – the debate is about whether a narrow section of investments and wealthy people could see huge losses while the average…

Pain Now or Later?

A few weeks ago I had to get a spoonful of medicine into my little girl. It took twenty minutes of negotiation, sips of Gatorade, promises of lollipops, pleading, singing, dancing and outright bribery for each dose – we went through this thrice a day. She’s clearly of the Pain Later school. Which brings me…

Links for your mother.

As you read this, I’m halfway across the country on a Virgin America flight, headed out to Los Angeles, California on business. I’ll be seeing clients of the firm, meeting with advisor colleagues from the West Coast and seeing some friends from the financial web as well. And then it’s on to Vegas, which we’ll…