70% of Americans want bonuses banned at taxpayer-supported banks.
Twas the Night Before Fed Day
The seniors were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of fixed income danced in their heads.
And Geithner at Treasury, and I at the Fed,
Had hooked up the banks with a risk-free spread.
Hot Links: Skull and Bones Derivatives
Hot links for morning reading and enlightenment.
Netflix vs Its Vendors
Imagine a world in which Coca-Cola ($KO) barely scrapes by while the guy who refills the soda machines is on the cover of Fortune Magazine with a cigar dangling out of his mouth, his boot atop a case of Diet Coke. It is almost exactly like the world that Netflix ($NFLX) currently inhabits. The company…
3 Things You Can Ignore From Now On
When everything is shouted into a megaphone (repeated across 500 websites), it all sounds so urgent and essential. But it isn’t.
Saturday Night Video: Black and Yellow
Madoff's Son Hangs Himself with a Dog Leash
The long, tragic shadow cast by the Madoff Ponzi lengthens…
The Most Interesting Man in the World
Nassim Taleb’s career and non-finance interests.
Social Media is Just Exhausting at this Point
Seriously, stop sharing already. Like, for a minute.
A Metals Medley
Three interesting silver and gold stories to leave you with…