PSA: Attention, Men of New York…
As usual, not all of this city’s male inhabitants are playing the game correctly…
Media: Shattering the Steve Wynn Political Rant
Joy! Tom Keene and Howard Lindzon Talk Social Finance
Google Plus Joke
"Is Gold Money?" No, It's an ETF.
Gold is more like a drug than it is like money…
Hot Links: Blowouts and Battlefields
All the best financial links to start your day, come on over!
An Open Window In A Small Stuffy Room
Routine is insidious. Maybe you’re stuck and you don’t even know it. The safety of routine offers you false comfort. Like a low risk, low reward trade it’ll bleed you to death through a thousand tiny cuts.
Media: Is News Corp Another BP Trade?
Senators on How Great They Are re: Bipartisan Debt Deal
A deal is coming and the Senators are very pleased with themselves.