Stat o' the Day: 13.9 million
There are 13.9 million unemployed people in the United States, more than the combined populations of Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota, Alaska, South Dakota, Delaware, Montana, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, Idaho and the District of Columbia.
Joe Fahmy's August Note to Clients
Joe Fahmy’s seven things you need to know and think about.
Goodbye Wallets
Media: Financial Advisory During a Crisis
Google Plus – Early Momentum, Now What?
While Google+ got off to a very fast start, it’s pretty clear that their momentum is fading fast. I would argue it’s far too early to declare G+ dead, but warning bells are ringing loudly.
Downtown's Rules for Surviving a Crash
Here are my rules for surviving a market crash.
Shanghai Surprise
China’s markets have a been a wreck this year despite rapid economic growth, here’s why…
Hot Links: "No, THIS is the bottom…"
Your morning links, brothers and sisters.
JPMorgan Slashes GDP Estimates. Again.
It’s funny to watch the guys from JPM asset management flogging global stocks in the media while the JPM economists are doing stuff like this.