some of our sweetest memories of childhood being wrapped up in the thing.
5th Generation Coal Miner: It’s Never Coming Back
Everything You Need to Know About New All Time Highs
Bill Sweet went back and pulled some of the more incredible stats and facts about record stock market highs that the Ritholtz Mafia has written about over the years – VIDEO!
The Streak
In 2007, the top 10% of households owned 81% of the stock market and now they own 84% of it.
You have to ask for the money market rate on your cash now.
Clips From Today’s Halftime Report
Real Estate, retail, tech & health care in the Blitz from CNBC.
Some thoughts on commission-free trading
A Portfolio is Not a Plan
Everyone’s rational, calm and self-directed until the economy blows up and takes the investment markets down with it.
Clips From Today’s Halftime Report
Is Square a good bet? Why has Lam Research stalled & more in #AskHalftime from CNBC.
Advice for Young Investors
Bill Sweet and I have some answers…