These were the most read posts on the site this week in case you missed it:
Coming to Denver in September
More about my presentation here:
Clips From Today’s Halftime Report
There’s still room for growth for tech stocks, traders say from CNBC.
Defeating Short-Termism with More Data, Not Less
Barry Ritholtz and Josh Brown debate the merits allowing publicly traded companies to report to their investors semi-annually versus quarterly. Do investors behave better or worse when you restrict information from them? Is there a such thing as too much transparency? What happens with investors when their advisors allow them to focus on quarterly performance…
What Are Your Thoughts: Josh’s Worst Take Ever?
This might be it. Plus we talk Nasdaq, retail stocks, Odell Beckham Jr and a lot more!
Clips From Today’s Halftime Report
Time to buy Roku? UPS vs. FedEx & more in #AskHalftime from CNBC.
Just asking…
Would you entrust your investable assets to someone who believes in conspiracy theories?
Show me the incentives and I will show you the outcome
The guys aren’t all bad. But the incentive system sucks because the business model sucks.
Gary Vaynerchuk: Passive Income is a Bulls*** Internet Dream
This Week on TRB
These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it: