Infograph. About infographs.
Global Equities Rally as World Economies Crumble
Some thoughts n’ links
J Edgar (Trailer)
Cullen Roche on Operation Twist
PragCap on Operation Twist
Hot Links: Automated
Your morning financial links, come and get ’em!
Greece: Just Do It
No one is saying this will be pretty…but can it be much worse than the road they’re on now?
S&P Cuts Italian Debt to A/A-1, Outlook Delicious
Standard and Poor’s downgraded its unsolicited ratings on Italy by one notch to A/A-1 and kept its outlook on negative…
Star Managers, Relics of the Pre-Internet Investing World
No one needs a star manager to reach their goals. For people who wish they had one — who want a name they trust at the top — the stars of the future will be managers who deliver to investor expectations.
200 Protesters is Not a Movement and 7 Up Stocks is Not a Rally
Anyone who was trading in the fall of 2007 knows for a fact that we are in the exact same type of environment here…
Weakest Wall Street Protest Ever