Singham: Bollywood Badass
The Mind-Body Connection
So I’ve decided not to be such a fat fuck anymore.
HPQ and BAC Decide Against Suicide After All
Two large corporations that have announced amazingly stupid and borderline suicidal things are now reconsidering. This is a good thing as it shows that there may just be hope after all and that common sense may still exist.
Bespoke: S&P Having 9th Best Month Ever
about those indifferent townsfolk…
Departing First Solar CEO Gets $40 Million for Failure. Sure, Why Not?
Want a sure sign that capitalism is broken and shareholders have officially become too dumb/lazy to stick up for themselves anymore?
This Tape is Bananas – B.A.N.A.N.A.S.
PRESENTED WITHOUT COMMENT (because really, what’s to be said?)
The Risk-Off Crowd: Like a Jew on Christmas
Oy veysmir! Can you imagine sitting in 100% cash on a day like today awaiting the bottom to fall out? The horror! The schpilkas!
GDP up 2.5%
GDP up on consumer strength