Market Folly's Back, New Steve Cohen Positions, etc
No one keeps you updated on the latest buys and sells of the big boys like MF does.
David Dreman: This is the Best Buying Opportunity in 30 Years
Throwback: 93 Til Infinity (1993)
Bonnie Baha: The Big Banks Look Like Legacy Airlines
“Like the legacy air carriers, the top banks in this country have yet to find a sustainable profit-making model in a changed world.”
Twitter's Dick Costolo: A Billion Tweets Every Three Days
Vanity Fair: The New Starlets
Photo / Video.
Inside the Credit Card Robosigning Scandal
“An employee for Asta funding testified that she churned out affidavits every 13 seconds.”
Media: Set-Up City
Wall Street's Jean Valjean Problem
I have a piece at the Wall Street Journal today that, if I’m not mistaken, accomplishes the impossible: I somehow manage to make the Wall Street broker a sympathetic figure.