We interrupt this European crisis to bring you the Chinese Recession
China is in awful shape right now. How did we get here?
Jeff Kleintop on the Potential for Post-Greek Election Bank Runs
This could then be followed by panic with banks closing their doors for “bank holidays” to halt the runs. The European Central Bank would likely have to inject massive amounts of capital to keep the banks from collapsing.
No, the banks have not found religion.
The encounter with Polkinghorne was brief and tense, Hunt says. The number of loans classified as defective would have to fall, he told them, or it would be “your asses on the line.”
Closing Bell Appearance on CNBC
Human Behavior as Investing Stumbling Block
I had to learn this stuff the hard way…
Google Plus Hangout with Me and Howard
ALWAYS SELL IN MAY (or when people are too clever for their own good)
This May has been the worst May for stocks since 1940
Gold on the ropes…