Massive Losses From Facebook's IPO
We All Agree, China and Spain Hold the Key (so go plant a tree, and don't get stung by a bee, it's easy you see, just follow me)
But we all agree that China getting a bit jiggier with stimulus along with Spain being pulled out of the sewer by Europe are probably going to be key to the current S&P 500 levels
Turns Out, Penguins are Deviant Sex Maniacs
witnessed males having sex with other males and also with dead females, including several that had died the previous year.
Spain asked euro region governments for a bailout worth as much as 100 billion euros ($125 billion) to rescue its banking system.
Dr. Seuss vs the Fascists
Thunderstruck (Absurd Trailer o' the Day)
Why Mitt Probably Wins
Think about this set-up: All Mitt Romney has to do is not fuck an intern or buy a new yacht in the next five months, the rest almost looks like it wants to take care of itself. Consider: One is a Mormon billionaire with a checkered record in Massachusetts and one is a black quasi-socialist,…
Jason Zweig: Death for the Bond Vigilantes
"We are witnessing the biggest market manipulation of all time."
“We are witnessing the biggest financial-market manipulation of all time.”