Michael Lewis nails this story. Your weekend reading should begin here.
Joshua M Brown
Financial Blogging Secrets: Everything Else
The final post in this five part series.
Verizon iPhone: Do Believe the Hype
For New Yorkers, the Jesusphone has arrived.
$1.482 Trillion
BlackRock on the state of the ETF biz.
Hot Links: Disappearance
All your morning reads in one place. Enjoy!
Brian Shannon: The Answer is Real Simple
“The market remains in an uptrend and it should be considered “innocent until proven guilty”
Hilarious High School Analogy Fails
“She walked into my office like a centipede with 98 missing legs.”
Kommodity Kindergarten with Josh Brown
$53.6 Trillion
Here’s an interesting bit of trivia…
Inflation Watch: Checking in on the Billion Prices Project
A more comprehensive inflation measure using online prices for 5 million products in 70 countries.