A continuing theme on this site for the last few years has been the futility of hiring stockpicking managers – especially in a mutual fund wrapper – and paying extra fees for their skills. It’s not that stockpickers aren’t smart or talented or hardworking or well-meaning. It’s that they cannot do what they profess to…
Joshua M Brown
Hot Links: OPEC Spits the Bit
What I’m reading this morning
The American Winship Goes On and On
WSJ: The economy expanded at its fastest pace in more than a decade during the spring and summer, showing the U.S. has strengthened its economic footing despite increasing global uncertainty. Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of goods and services produced across the economy, grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.9% in the…
Wu-Tang Clan – Live on Letterman
The new album, A Better Tomorrow, drops next week (finally!) and they’ve just put out the title track, right after performing ‘Ruckus in B Minor’ on Letterman last night: Title track embed below: Read Also: Wu & A: RZA on Making Peace With Raekwon and the Future of Wu-Tang Clan (Rolling Stone)
The Brutal Monotony of All Time Highs
There’s only one subtle joke in the film Anchorman and it involves the fact that the San Diego news team’s weather man has a sub-100 IQ. In a city where “72 and sunny” is the forecast 365 days a year, even Brick Tamland has no problem reliably delivering this news to the viewers. In the chart below,…
Cartoon by Ed Hall, Artizans Syndicate
Hot Links: Moronic Mindgames
What I’m reading this morning
Killer Mike goes IN on Ferguson prosecutor, goes viral
Killer Mike, one half of rap duo Run the Jewels, came out for a show an hour after the Ferguson prosecutor’s statement and made an emotional speech that has since exploded across the web. Watch below: Mike and El-P’s new record is incredible, hope you have it: Run the Jewels 2
Jurassic World first trailer hits!
The first trailer for Jurassic World hit a few hours ago and the web is going crazy for it. Coming next June!
The New Skyline
Our story begins in 2009 with a little-known Los Angeles-based private equity firm called CIM. The firm’s three managing partners, a former Drexel Burnham banker and a pair of former Israeli paratroopers, quietly dropped in on Manhattan’s punch drunk post-financial crisis real estate market with money to spend. CIM moved quickly, writing checks to bail…