Joshua M Brown

Chart o’ the Day: Americans have all the feels again

Gallup: WASHINGTON, D.C. — A majority of Americans, 52%, say their financial situation is “getting better,” the highest percentage to say this since 2004. It is also the first time since the recession that this sentiment has reached the majority level. These data are from a Gallup’s annual Economy and Finance survey, poll conducted April…

The Biggest Threat To Your Portfolio

Last night at the Nasdaq Marketsite, Mark Hulbert and I served on a panel discussion entitled Defend Yourself: Top threats to investors in 2015. The event was organized by MarketWatch and we spoke to a standing-room only crowd of over a hundred individual investors, Dow Jones journalists and other financial industry folks. Moderator and MarketWatch…

China moves to counteract stock market bubble

The Chinese stock market has effectively doubled over the past year and a full-scale mania has gotten underway with mainland individual investors opening millions of brokerage accounts a month. This is a good thing, not a bad thing, as the remaining phase of China’s economic rebalancing must include a consumer component to offset the declining…