When was the last time you went to a bar? Like a real deal Irish bar, indoors?
Well for me, it’s been about 14 months. We hit Mulcahy’s last night for a friend’s live music event. It was a little weird. You have to understand that historically, this place is wall to wall packed on a Friday night. It’s a local landmark, has been here since 1965 packing ’em in like that. Last night there were like ten tables spread out across this giant room, 8 feet apart from each other. Nothing like when we used to go there to see the world famous Billy Joel cover band Big Shot and you had to climb over people to get a beer.
I guess it was nice to be back in the room again and to see that it’s still there. And I bumped into this little shrine to my pal Mike Francesa. The Jets jersey has his name on it too. What a f***ing legend LOL.
Thanks for checking out What Are Your Thoughts this week! We go live every Tuesday at 5:30pm ET so you can be there for the premiere – subscribe and you’ll get the alert when it’s starting.
Light week of posting on the site but, behind the scenes, a hive of activity as I ready the firm for reopening physically and a whole bunch of other stuff I get into in my newest post “I’m Outside Today” liked below. Have a great weekend!
These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it:
- There’s Coin on the Sidelines (TRB)
- I’m Outside Today (TRB)