We did an astonishing amount of new content this week after being gone last week at the Future Proof event. Getting back in the saddle felt good, especially considering the amazing guests we had.
Below is a link to the live stream we did with Zeke Faux, whose new book “Number Go Up” is packed with wild and hilarious stories about rise and fall of the crypto bubble. Zeke hung out with SBF’s gang in the Bahamas before and after everything went wrong. He traveled to Cambodia to witness the crypto boiler rooms firsthand and talked to lots of complete and total psychopaths as the mania spread through the early 2020’s.
You can watch it at the link below and check out the book right here.
The response to our new The Compound and Friends episode with Jeremy Grantham has been amazing. Both Insider and Fortune picked it up and people are coming out of the woodwork behind the scenes to tell us how much they enjoyed listening to him.
Thanks everyone and have a great weekend! – JB
All new What Are Your Thoughts this week, posted above. If you want the alert for when we’re going live each Tuesday evening at 5:00pm EST, click this link and hit subscribe: The Compound on YouTube
We had legendary investor Jeremy Grantham on The Compound and Friends this week! We discussed being the “Bubble Historian”, Inflation, Modern Valuations, the Four most Dangerous Words, Real Estate, Impact Investing, and much more! Including a few extra words of wisdom.

You can watch the new TCAF below or listen as a podcast.
Podcast version:
And if you haven’t subscribed yet, don’t wait. Check it out below or wherever fine podcasts are played.
These are the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it: