Hey everyone, preparations have been full speed ahead for this coming week’s Future Proof aka the World’s Largest Wealth Festival. We’re at 3,000 attendees, a big leap from last year’s inaugural event which clocked in at around 1700 and change. But we’re ready. Our footprint is physically about 50% larger than last year’s and we’re staffed up to accommodate the crowds. I’m bringing over 40 of my people from Ritholtz Wealth, the majority of whom are going to be serving as event ambassadors and volunteers. You’ll see them in the black Future Proof polo shirts or the white and purple tee shirts, make sure to say hello.
Anyway, writing here has been limited recently because of how much time and energy planning and executing on the festival takes. I looked at the speaker lineup again this morning and I still can’t believe it. The lineup is insane. It’s truly Coachella for financial advice. If you’re coming because you read about the event on my site, I appreciate it. And if you’re not, don’t worry, we’re taping live stuff that will make its way into our content channels that you’ll be able to watch and listen to. Stay tuned.
This week we did another raucous episode of What Are Your Thoughts. You can watch it below or listen to it as part of this week’s The Compound and Friends podcast. We also had my friend Aaron Dillon come on Tuesday night and tell us everything we need to know about this fall’s IPO calendar and the state of pre-IPO venture-backed startups. As deals like Arm Holdings and Instacart hit the runway, you’ll have the backstory. Listen here.
All new What Are Your Thoughts this week, posted above. If you want the alert for when we’re going live each Tuesday evening at 5:00pm EST, click this link and hit subscribe: The Compound on YouTube

We had Nick Colas on The Compound and Friends this week! You guys really love when Nick comes by. The comments go crazy for him. I promise not to wait too long before bringing him back next time. We discussed Q2 earnings, Moore’s law, interest rates, the future of the automotive market, Steve Cohen, and much more!
You can watch the new TCAF below or listen as a podcast.
Podcast version:
And if you haven’t subscribed yet, don’t wait. Check it out below or wherever fine podcasts are played.
These are the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it: