Here’s a group shot of my team at Ritholtz Wealth and the Advisor Circle group with whom we put on the inaugural Future Proof Festival this week.

There are a lot of similarities between our two companies. Barry and I started RWM because we had both reached the point in our respective careers where we’d had enough of watching other firm owners bumble and stumble their way into mediocrity. We both wanted more satisfaction for our clients, more freedom for ourselves and more potential for our careers than anyone else could ever give us. Matt and John founded Advisor Circle for many of the same reasons, having spent years building the Inside ETFs conference into one of the largest and most profitable annual events in the industry. Now they’re building Future Proof the way they’ve always wanted to. The collaboration between our firms has been one of the best professional partnerships I’ve ever experienced. We learn from and inspire each other every day. The people you see in the picture above have absolutely gone above and beyond to plan, build and bring the event to you. I can’t even tell you and you can’t even imagine what went into this thing, but you can take my word for it – these folks are special.
We had Shirl Penney on The Compound and Friends this week! Shirl joined us in Huntington Beach, CA for a live audience taping at Future Proof Festival

You can watch the new TCAF below or listen as a podcast.
Podcast version:
And if you haven’t subscribed yet, don’t wait. Check it out below or wherever fine podcasts are played.
No links this week, have a wonderful weekend everyone!