
Hot Links: Black Swans, DJs, CEOs, Rogers and Kass

Hot Links for Weekend Reading Let’s kick it off with a Think Piece from Johnny Debacle of Long or Short Capital.  Johnny asks the question “Why be a JD (Juris Doctor) when you could be a DJ (Disc Jockey)?” I got two from The Business Insider this week…first, a slideshow of the Worst CEOs Ever,…

King Obama and his Feudal Lords

I try to avoid being overtly political here on TRB, but something foul is afoot in our capital markets that needs to be addressed. The treatment of institutional and hedge fund bondholders in both the Chrysler and General Motors situation has one very apropos historical parallel that comes to mind, the Anglo-Norman invasion and conquest…

The Executioner Wore Abercrombie

Who is Brian Deese? You’re going to love this one.  He’s the latest heartthrob out of the Obama administration who’s been called up to run the GM bailout/ bankruptcy/ clusterf&ck.  And he’s, like, 31 years old. From the New York Times: A bit laconic and looking every bit the just-out-of-graduate-school student adjusting to life in…

John Mauldin: An Unpayable Deficit?

John Mauldin‘s latest newsletter, entitled This Way Be Dragons (Thoughts from the Frontline), tackles the big problem that the bulls don’t want to think about yet: How will the $1.2 trillion deficit we’ve got in the oven ever be paid off? While Obama gives lip service to cutting the deficit in half, his actual budget…

Hooray for the Credit Card and Loaded Weapon Bill!

Pop quiz: What’s the quickest way to ensure that credit availability to consumers will dry up immediately? That’s an easy one…make it less profitable for credit card issuers to lend!  Combined with the additional risk of lending in a recession, that’ll do the trick.  And that’s exactly what Obama‘s anti-business gang did next: From the…

Hedgies are Human

Joe Nocera tells the story of a hedge fund manager who has decided to return his investors’ funds and pursue a different career path, one that isn’t focused on compensation alone. From the New York Times: Two weeks from now, a seven-year-old hedge fund called Alson Capital Partners will return around $800 million to its…

Denninger Pops His Top Over GM Bonds

Do you own GM bonds?  Karl Denninger‘s got something he’d like to get off his chest about what may be about to happen to your investment… From The Market Ticker: If you hold this debt you are about to be wiped out by our government, who has decreed by fiat, without even a vote in…

Hot Links: Jenna Lee, Madoff Secretary, Chrysler & Morgan Stanley

Hot Links for Weekend Reading Who was the luckiest financial blogger of the week?  My pal Stephen over at Wall Street Fighter visited with gorgeous and talented anchorwoman Jenna Lee of Fox Business for an interview, so you tell me! The investor class and all of institutional Wall Street was aghast at Obama‘s treatment of…

Meltzer: Are We Tough Enough For The Coming Inflation Battle?

“No country facing enormous budget deficits, rapid growth in the money supply and the prospect of a sustained currency devaluation as we are has ever experienced deflation. These factors are harbingers of inflation.” Allan H. Meltzer, May 3rd 2009 In Allan Meltzer’s excellent New York Times op-ed piece from May 3rd, we are taken back…

Dulling the Impact of the Stress Tests

an·ti·cli·max: Something trivial or commonplace that concludes a series of significant events This is not a discussion of whether or not the upcoming 19-bank stress test results are important or whether or not they should have been conducted in the first place.  Instead, the subject I’ll pontificate on here is the masterful dissemination of the potentially disruptive…