Check Out Bloomberg Rewind with Matt Miller
Bloomberg’s Rewind show is a great way to catch up on the best interviews you may have missed each day.
The Thing About…
I’ve always been of 2 minds when it comes to…
Buffett on the Future Leadership of Berkshire Hathaway
Your Board is equally enthusiastic about my successor as CEO, an individual to whom they have had a great deal of exposure and whose managerial and human qualities they admire.
Pegasus Riot in Progress
ECB's Mario Draghi: Say Goodbye to European Socialism
Mario is more honest about the failure of the European social contract than any major Euro pol, which makes his comments in the Wall Street Journal this week fairly noteworthy.
Bruce Krasting: Don't Count on Canadian Crude to Save Us
The areas where Canadian oil supplies are keeping prices at the pumps low don’t exactly have a lot of drivers.
Saturday Night Video: Introducing Howler
The Too Big Apple
“If Apple’s share price grew even 20 percent a year for the next decade, its $500 billion market capitalization would be more than $3 trillion by 2022.”
The 301 Day Correction?
The current bull market is 1082 days old and we’ve just cleared a 301 day correction inside of it. Or so the math says.