Muchos gracias to my new friend Miguel Jaureguizar of Madrid, Spain who has taken my Twenty Common Sense Investing Rules and translated them into Spanish for his blog.
Tales from the Social Media Symposium
Highlights from the Online Financial Services Symposium.
Jobs vs Profits: Be Careful What You Wish For
“This is arguably the iconic chart of the recovery. It shows corporate government and personal consumption (red) hitting brand new highs, while total employment (blue) lags badly from old highs.”
My Real-Time JPMorgan Trade on Fast Money
There's Something About March 9th
Something about this day, man.
If You're Not Reading This Ray Dalio Profile We Probably Can't Be Friends.
Stop whatever you’re doing and read this excellent profile of Ray Dalio (Bridgewater), the most successful asset manager alive. He is a machine that generates alpha and The Economist perfectly captures what makes him so fascinating: “THE most beautiful deleveraging yet seen” is how Ray Dalio describes what is now going on in America’s economy….
Throwback: RIP B.I.G.
Dan Gross on NFP: Yes, it is a Trend
When something happens three times, it’s a trend.
and in the end…
and in the end…
What's not to like?
What a day.