Timothy Geithner

"You Underestimate My Sneakiness"

Christmas F Words: Family, Friends, Fezziwig, Fireplace, Fa La La, Frosty the Snowman, etc. This year, we got two more: Fannie and Freddie, the GSE’s that caught an unlimited bailout surprise this Christmas while no one was looking (or approving).  Geithner has authorized the removal of the $400 billion cap in terms of Treasury support…

Coupla Things on a Red Thursday Afternoon…

The market sucks today, but not the blogosphere!  Here’s a few links to keep you lol-ing The Felix Salmon v Henry Blodget is coming to a resolution, with some serious passive aggression, the kind that I thought only my wife could deliver!  Here’s Henry Blodget  and here’s Felix Salmon.  Do try to play nice, boys.  …

Why Geithner's Treasury Won't Sell the Gold

The United States is currently the largest holder of gold in the world.  The US Treasury is currently sitting on 261.5 million ounces.  Multiplied by roughly $1100 per ounce, we’re talking about a stash worth almost $300 billion at today’s prices. In an article today at CNNMoney, we learn a few interesting things about our gold…

This is the Remix: TRB vs. Geithner

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner wrote an op-ed in the NYT today outlining how the stress tests on 19 of the largest US banks were conducted. This is the remix… THIS afternoon, Treasury, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Reserve and the butcher, the baker and…

Geithner Makes His First Impression…And It Sucks

As I watched the Dow Jones Industrial Average do that cascading-down-400-points thing that it’s gotten so good at, I listened in disbelief as our new Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner went through the whole litany of how we got to this point.  Does anyone really need a recap of the last 18 months and what’s gone on? …