FT Alphaville

Hot Links: Buffett vs HFT, Denninger vs Kneale, Iran vs Everyone

Stuff I’m Reading this Morning… Warren Buffett and Vanguard’s Jack Bogle come out against High Frequency Trading.  (ZeroHedge) Consumers deleveraging big time.  Not sure why this didn’t get more attention when announced yesterday, big story.  (FTAlphaville) Iran is getting close to a big nuclear breakthrough…maybe Obama should have lunch with them or something, maybe a…

We're All Correlated Now

Lockstep Main Entry: lock·step Pronunciation: ˈläk-ˌstep Function: noun 1 : a mode of marching in step by a body of persons going one after another as closely as possible 2 : a standard method or procedure that is mindlessly adhered to or that minimizes individuality — in lockstep : in perfect or rigid often mindless…