
When Its Time To Raise Rates, Will Bernanke Have The Stones?

An article in Bloomberg raises some very interesting questions and I though I’d open up the discussion on these three: 1.  Since Bernanke has clearly chosen Keynes over Friedman, pumping in liquidity with the belief that inflation will be held in check, will this “end in tears” as Fed historian Dr. Allan Meltzer believes? 2. …

I Can Haz LOLFed?

Today, we’re going to talk about one of my guiltiest pleasures on the financial web, LOLFed. I go through withdrawal when I can’t check in to see what Alyx and Jason have cooked up on each day, as the economic and stock market news gets more and more ridiculous. For the uninitiated, LOLFed is…

Lindsey Graham Looking For Zombies

S.C. Senator Lindsey Graham:  Is AIG a “Zombie”? Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke:  Umm, No. Graham:  So if AIG isn’t a zombie, who is? Bernanke:  There aren’t any large zombie institutions that I know of. Hey Ben – Reality called, it said to check in sometime, it’s been awhile. What is a Zombie Bank? (The Big…